Crystal Heart
syerajaimi (':
13 August 2011 | 12:25:00 AM | 0 comments
aku sayang korang dua orang ('x
malam ni aku puas melalak dengan korang even kejap
#maaf aku asyik bersin je --'
lepas ni korang da nak TRIAL do all the best both of u (':

melalak sampai lebam ('x
oke aku puas

aimi : maafkan aku sebab selalu buat sesuatu ta fikir panjang ('x
makan ubat -..-
nanti bersin je macam aku kang
buat betul betul trial nih tauu (:
do your best
t kita layan fiction sampai lebam
layan siwon kau sampai bengkak

syera : u always have with me even matter happend (':
thanks a lot
really apreciate it
dulu kita pernah lalui macam macam krisis
gaduh tu lah gaduh ni lah
forget it okay ('x
pelajar harapan mesti bole buat kan trial ni
8A tu pejam mata jelah leww
nanti kita lawan boling dekat skypo sampai lebam yee

p/s : aku sayang korang <3 ('x

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Big Thanks To Them
Skin By : Sarah Afiqah
Basecodes By : Jaja
Background by : FPA

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